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Elementary students who live 1 mile or more from their assigned school, and middle/high school students who live 2 miles or more from their assigned school, are eligible for district-provided transportation. Bus passes are available to purchase if you live within walking distance of the school.  Please contact the bus company or school for more information.

Transportation Guidelines

Here are a few rules students should follow while taking district transportation:

  1. Immediately follow the directions of the driver and/or monitor.
  2. Sit in your seat facing forward.
  3. Talk quietly and use appropriate language.
  4. Keep all pars of your body inside the bus.
  5. Keep your arms, legs, and belongings to yourself.
  6. No fighting, harassment, intimidation or horseplay.
  7. Do not throw any object.
  8. No eating, drinking or use of tobacco or drugs.
  9. Do not bring any weapon or dangerous objects on the school bus.
  10. State law prohibits bringing animals on the school bus.
  11. Do not damage the school bus.
  12. Bus seats are to be shared.
  13. No portable tape players or radios played on the bus unless using head phones.
  14. No gang related behaviors.


Helpful Tips

  • We suggest that you and your child pre-plan the way to and from the bus stop together.

  • Discuss with your child an alternative plan of transportation to school if the school bus is missed.

  • Instruct your child NOT to chase the bus! Stay out of the DANGER ZONE (10 feet from around the bus)